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Why Client Success Is More Important Than Sales

Aug 23, 2022

Here’s one of the most crucial questions I ask on sales calls 👇🏻

“Are you willing to hire a VA in the future?” 

If the prospect answers with a no, I usually decline to work with them.

Why?  There is no scalability in doing everything alone. Everyone needs a helping hand in some form. 

I hired a VA as early as possible and she has helped transform my business.  She helped with marketing, not sales or delivery. 

Recently I hit the point in my business where I needed to expand.

And I was at a crossroads → Should I hire someone to help with sales?  Or someone to help with client success?

After a bit of thinking time, I decided client success was more important than sales.  

For a number of reasons…  👇🏻

  • Client results are the best form of marketing
  • An extra person brings a different dynamic to training
  • Someone with proven success can help in areas I can’t
  • Creating a better experience will increase client retention
  • Hiring a Client Success Manager frees up my time to sell more

So I’d like to announce… that I’ve hired Vicki Handley. 

She has unrivalled levels of passion, exceptional attention to detail, and she’s already been through the program already & seen massive success. 

She 4X’d her monthly revenue in 2 months!  Not only that - she’s an amazing copywriter.  

So between us, we can pass an even more fantastic experience on to our clientele.

Vicki is now helping our clients to make sure their content performs even better, AND holding them accountable for it too!

Which brings me to the next part…

I’ve just put together a page which breaks down the Content To Clients program in detail for you.

If you want to build and sell a 4 figure offer organically on social, check it out here. 

See you next week,


PS → I’m putting the price up in September, so if you’re interested, you can book a free call with me before that price rise using that link above.

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