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The Best Content Hack Ever

Sep 13, 2022


Everyone’s talking about repurposing… 👇🏻

Don’t get me wrong, I frequently take carousels and turn them into an Email, YouTube vids or reels.

But that takes effort.

And you know what doesn’t take effort?

Posting the exact same piece of content, in the same format on the same channel

Check out this post from August last year 👇🏻

  • 61 saves
  • 18 follows
  • 78 profile visits
  • 1,760 accounts reached

The results were okay…  But I thought it deserved more.

So in August this year, I reposted it.  Exactly as it was… 👇🏻

This time, the results were much better…

  • 4,233 saves
  • 1,682 follows
  • 2,500 profile visits
  • 284,000 accounts reached

I used to have a “creator-only” focus.  Spending
hours on content and a tiny amount of time on other business related things.

Now, it’s all about putting quality content out there with the least effort possible.

I hope this spurs you on to do the same 👊🏻

Save yourself that valuable time.


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